EPIC General Meeting Minutes
12/19/2019 at 5:30 p.m.
Location: River City Re/Max, Edmonton AB
This open invite planning meeting is to further discuss the various areas of the EPIC launch event and fundraiser to be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020.
General discussion:
Reviewed previous meetings with those in attendance; no amendments required.
Kehrl (Communications sub-committee) gave a review of social media and communications initiatives taken so far: website continues to be updated; Mike acknowledged as the graphics/ branding creator for all EPIC visual products.
Key messages for the launch will be provided by the Communications committee.
Ida will be presenting at the launch the vision and short term goals for EPIC projects.
The website will soon be updated with photos of the board and, on an ongoing basis, will also include recognition of sponsors, contributors and donors.
A resounding reminder to share, share and share EPIC announcements as widely as possible.
Sponsorships/vendor tables/silent auction:
Brian volunteered to work with Loida in this team
Lucenia will be canvassing for the non-for-profit table sponsors
Ida reported that the EPIC project was highly supported at the Philippine Business Society of Alberta (PBSA) Christmas event including a friendly push for silent auction items and door prizes (est. value: $1000)
Loida discussed the reciprocal benefits to sponsors and/ or silent auction donors e.g. exposure for their business name using “donated by cards”
Reminder that there are no tax receipts issued for donations
Kehrl will lead the sponsorship initiatives i.e. update and distribute the letter of support/ sponsorship for the launch; later in the project timeline, there will be initiatives for wider corporate and cross-organizational support
Protocol: when sending the sponsorship letters by email, cc the EPIC website, for tracking & to minimize duplications
Escaño Fine Art Photography will be donating for the silent auction
Jeanette confirmed that media initiatives e.g. news releases will be distributed the week of January 6
All levels of government are invited and encouraged to attend to find out more about EPIC
The emphasis for the launch is for the community
Politicians will be acknowledged and they are welcome to greet and mingle with attendees but no speeches
Site logistics:
Herald and PWAS are in charge of set up and clean up
Lucy confirms the availability of tables and chairs needed from Corpus Cristi hall
Deacon Gem Mella is the contact at the church hall
Ida confirmed that the event deposit has been paid; event insurance is also to be paid
February set-up as early as 9 a.m. Note: there is no electric power available per table
Reminder: $100 for table sponsor with one entry ticket included
Confirmation of 12 rectangle tables (8 ft x 30 inches) and 25 round tables
Sponsors will be responsible for their own table dressing/ set-up
Kehrl has set up Eventbrite to sell tickets online; 400 hard copy tickets are printed
Kehrl distributed print tickets to those who requested them
If possible, buy tickets to assist with volunteers for the launch event
The current focus is on event-based sponsorship at this point in time
Sponsorship tiers are being determined
Methods of payment available for supporters: Electronic transfer, cheque (non-profit)
Include email addresses of supporters
Door prizes:
Will need to include the donor name and/ or business for each prize
Tracking of the prizes will be coordinated by Mila
Information/emails about prizes are to be sent to the EPIC general email address so it can be tracked; can then be sent to Mila to manage items list
Thematic door prizes are encouraged e.g. health & wellness, gift cards, lottery/ scratch cards etc.
Food donations:
Kuya Allan’s Lechon will donate lechon
Food sponsors can provide their flyers/coupons or banners for the event to increase their visibility to guests
Bayani will oversee canvassing for food sponsors
Sweet will ensure the supplies i.e. utensils, plates, paper towels
Migrante volunteers will sell drinks at the concession
Performers: Saranay, Pinoy Roots, PWAS, Rianna, Chameleon Dance. Barangay is interested.
Launch video - the EPIC Vision - will be produced by Mike, Kehrl and Ida (who will also present)
Sweet will ensure that the audio/ visual equipment is managed
Ida still looking for hosts for the launch program
Site supplies:
Lucy will ensure the supply of garbage bags, gloves, etc for food service and then clean-up
Volunteer management:
Sweet and possibly Annie (to be asked) will oversee volunteers on the day of the launch
Please copy any volunteer information to the EPIC general email so it can be tracked
Volunteer sticker/ badges will be required - to be done by Michael
Registration/ welcome table:
Jeanette and volunteer to welcome guests, answer questions and enter tickets for the door prizes
Mike to look at the possibility of having EPIC t-shirts available as another form of revenue
Migrante has also volunteered to assist at registration
Photo wall:
Set-up near the entry/ welcome area
Encourage guests to take photos with the EPIC artwork to share on social media
Mila will donate the artwork for this self - serve area
Photos and video:
Photos and video of the launch highlights to be captured for documentation and future initiatives
Michael to gather volunteers for the photo and video documentation
Agenda/ community engagement
Lucenia will set-up a community engagement corner
Guests will be asked for feedback about the need for and envisioned programming in a Filipino centre for the community
Calendar of events:
One year list of fundraising initiatives should be made available for transparency
Organizations are encouraged to include EPIC fundraisers in their respective events
Calendar of events to be promoted at the launch
Others business:
Go Fund Me and/ or other crowdfunding options will be considered at a later time. In the meantime, utilize the Donate page in the EPIC website
Next meeting:
January 9, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
Location: Korean Cultural Centre in downtown, 9636 105A Avenue