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Writer's pictureEdmonton Philippine Intl. Centre

Meeting minutes, 01092020

EPIC General Meeting Minutes

1/9/2020 at 5:45 p.m. 

Location: Korean Community Center

Attendance on record – get from Lucy

This open invite planning meeting is to further discuss the various areas of the EPIC launch event and fundraiser to be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020. 


General discussion:

  • What have we heard out there? Have you heard lots of buzz for the event? Are people talking about it?

  • Some, but not much (maybe Christmas season)

  • Also mostly from the people in groups we are already in contact with

  • Seems not a lot from just general community

  • Lucenia: Can we first focus on the organized groups as this is the first event? Maybe most people will come from them

  • What else can we do? CTV community calendar, send information to free community events via Local stations – need media release

  • Keep up socmed, put out waves of advertising and messages

  • Key messages for the launch – do we have a sense how this is resonating with the public?

  • Suggest to make some changes to the messaging so focus is not so much on project but on event

  • Target messaging to different demographics, have waves of different messages to let people know how they can be involved, what the center can do for them as groups, as individuals; tone should match different demographics – Ryan to help Kehrl to differentiate messages

  • A resounding reminder to share, share and share EPIC announcements as widely as possible

  • Vendor tables: main contact is Loida (one confirmed: Primerica) – Loida back on Jan 14 from vacation

Sponsorships/vendor tables/silent auction:

Auction items confirmed

  • 4 paintings from Giselle,

  • 1 board game from Giselle,

  • 1 coffee set;

  • 1 painting from Jacob Christian

Lucenia will be canvassing for the non-for-profit table sponsors

Update: Lucenia will look at the letter sent for sponsorships and get the part relevant to non-profit and send out


  • Follow up with Jeanette confirmed regarding media initiatives and invitations for speakers e.g. news releases should have been distributed the week of January 6

Site logistics: 

  • Logistics: fully paid with the venue, $700 for rent and $115 insurance

  • Deacon Gem to coordinate with Lucy for food, Herald for setup, Bayani for deliveries, etc.


  • Volunteers pay full price; Performers could be subsidized – at most 50% - talk to Ida

  • Sponsorship: 

  • What feedback have we had regarding sponsorship? Remember, package and price can be negotiable

Door prizes:

  • Mila to get list from Kehrl (prizes: coffee set, board game, etc.)

  • Send to EPIC email if you have solicited anything so we can organize, put together maybe for silent auction

  • Tracking of the prizes will be coordinated by Mila 

  • Need as early as possible so it can be packaged (but will be expecting even on day of event)

Food donations:

  • Confirmed: Nora will give lechon

  • Anonymous: 15 leche flan

  • Coco’s Nest 2 party trays

  • Letters sent to Filipino restaurants (list with Ida)

  • Sweet will ensure the supplies i.e. utensils, plates, paper towels


  • Migrante volunteers will sell drinks at the concession 


  • Performers Confirmed: Saranay, Pinoy Roots, PWAS, Rianna, Chameleon Dance, Migrante Youth, Philippine Seniors

  • Still waiting for KORO, Zumba

  • Baranggay cannot make it

  • Launch video - the EPIC Vision - will be produced by Mike, Kehrl and Ida (who will also present)

  • Shooting Jan 24 (contact: Kehrl), need 5-6 volunteers, different ages

  • 8 yr old from Pinoy Roots – contact Angie


  • Sweet will ensure that the audio/ visual equipment is managed; Sweet will bring mixer, Ryan will bring adaptors

  • Mike and Ida to bring their laptops

  • There is projector in venue

Site supplies: 

  • Lucy will ensure the supply of garbage bags, gloves, etc for food service and then clean-up 

Volunteer management: 

  • Sweet and possibly Annie (to be asked) will oversee volunteers on the day of the launch

  • Get a list of all stations and confirm from station leaders how many volunteers they need

  • Have a list or spreadsheet of volunteers and assignment

Food management – Lucy said she has seniors and church volunteers  for food

  • Silent Auction – need two more volunteers

  • Loida and Mila

  • Pinoy Roots volunteers

  • Please copy any volunteer information to the EPIC general email so it can be tracked 

  • Volunteer sticker/ badges will be done by Michael

Registration/ welcome table:

  • Jeanette and volunteer to welcome guests, answer questions and enter tickets for the door prizes 

  • Mike to look at the possibility of having EPIC t-shirts available as another form of revenue

  • Migrante has also volunteered to assist at registration

Photo wall:

  • Set-up near the entry/ welcome area 

  • Photobooth – confirm with Nicky what he will bring for photobooth

  • Mila focusing on accessories for photobooth in English and Tagalog

  • Think about having people pay

  • Mila to confirm with Nicky Gocuan what he is bringing

Agenda/ community engagement 

  • Lucenia will set-up a community engagement corner

  • Lucenia, has questions as inputs to business case (e.g. what spaces do you want to see, what activities, etc.)

Calendar of events:

  • One year list of fundraising initiatives should be made available for transparency

  • Fundraising events to announce:

  • Saranay will have a fundraiser performance

  • Phil Arts – Paglalayag – Aug. 22

  • Quezon film – Jan 2020 (maybe Jan 31)

  • August 1 – Golden Balangay this year in Edmonton and they agreed it will be an EPIC fundraiser

  • PBSA will have a gala

  • Jan. 20th – 7PM: “When the Storm Fades” – Cineplex Odeon South Common – Marco will be speaking, pass a donation box for EPIC

  • Fall: Build a Migrante a Home – will donate % proceeds from the gala

Others business: 

  • Donations: we need a fiscal agent to accept donations and release tax receipts – Marco to look into getting information for a fiscal agent for EPIC

  • Christina Gray Millwoods Resource Fair – there will be a table from Phil Arts where we can sell EPIC tickets; Ida needs volunteers - Jan. 18, 11AM to 2PM

  • T-shirts: dark blue shirt with white epic logo and text

Next meeting: 

Thursday.,January 23, 2020 at 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. 

Location: Corpus Christi Church – 2707 – 34 street NW

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